Interview: Pitch, please!
The industry speaks out about the pitching process in the Middle East, while brands give their side of the story to Campaign Middle East editor Justin Harper.

Branding, Marketing, Advertising… Complementary but not the same!
Branding, marketing, and advertising are related business concepts, yet distinct in their aims and methods. Understanding the differences is key for companies trying to break through the noise as well as for consumers navigating the saturated world we’ve created.

How To Ruin Your Brand
There’s a sort of confidence found only in brands that have confidence. This article is about how to confidently present your company as a brand to the world, while avoiding the mistakes that keep on being repeated for lack of knowledge by business owners.

Each Brand Has A Story. Each Story Has A Guide.
It’s poetic to talk about souls and discovering your brand’s exquisite essence before revealing it to the world. But what is a “soul,” and why does it matter so much in a brand’s story and personality?

9 Lessons Learned in the Wild, Wild East of the F&B Industry
Embrace change, put your customers on the throne, shake up your strategies with data, collaborate, study the competition, be authentic, master the art of adaptability, and embark on a never-ending quest for growth.